On this site http://lowendentalspa-co-uk.ntc11-p1rea.seeinside.co.uk
I’m trying to use a font like https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Spartan?query=spartan
After reading an old answer here I added to functions.php in my child theme…
add_filter (‘x_fonts_data’, ‘Spartan’, 9999 );
function Spartan ($fonts) {
$fonts[ ‘Spartan’ ] = array(
‘source’ => ‘google’,
‘family’ => ‘Spartan’,
‘stack’ => ‘“Spartan”, sans-serif’,
‘weights’ => array( ‘100’, ‘300’, ‘600’’ )
) ;
return $fonts;
That sort of works.
As an alternative I’ve also uploaded gothic.woff files. I could use that if necessary.
The issue I have is that I specified the heading and body font but several of the default texts here http://lowendentalspa-co-uk.ntc11-p1rea.seeinside.co.uk display in Times New Roman. How do I make the default one of my preferences?