Hello, I have used X and Pro in the past and had no problem with the site actually being dark. I have switched on the Dark Mode, off again, on again, and it just won’t work. Here is what I see:
…and this is a mirror image preview of what I see on the front end, in multiple browsers.
Yes, I know this is a quick fix with CSS, but that’s not the point. It should work as described and used to. Even with every single plugin deactivated, it still persists. Tried activating only Cornerstone. Didn’t work. I have tried eliminating Chrome extension conflicts by using Firefox to “save” the backend.
I just found an option for “background color” under Layout and Design. It is white. The Dark Mode is on and the background color is white. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
What in the world is going on here?
WP 5.7
Pro 8.2.3
Cornerstone 5.2.3