Custom fonts not displaying correctly in Cornerstone View vs LIVE site (WP 6.5.2 (and 6.5.3 in DEVV site) with Cornerstone 7.4.19)

Hi All,

In the attached image, the image on the left is my live site. The image on the right is how Cornerstone displays it when I go in to edit that page in Cornerstone. Can you let me know if custom fonts (Headlines 1- Mathilde) should still display in Cornerstone View? I’d imagine “yes”, since I’d have no way to know what changes would look like until I save them to the live site, right? Is there a setting I need to toggle on/off?



Hey Ray,

Thanks for reaching out!

It is hard to for to determine the issue without checking your settings. To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Page URL in question

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hi Marc,

Please see the secure info requested now attached in this thread.



Hey @rayrolando,

The given password is not working for us. Please double-check. If the custom font is not loading, try to reload the builder so that the custom fonts will be reloaded as well.


Hi @ruenel,

Please try this pw attached securely below.


Please check my secure note above to give logging in another try.

Also, can you tell me what you mean by reloading the builder? Do you mean to just exit and re-enter? If so, I’ve already tried this to no avail.

Hey @RayRolando,

I have cleared the System Cache in Cornerstone > Settings > System. I also renamed your font using the same name as the custom font added in the Font Manager. It is now displaying correctly in the builder.

Best Regards.

Hi @Ruenel,

So I see where you cleared the Cache, thanks. For the Font Manager, are you referring to WP Admin --> Cornerstone --> Theme Options --> Globals (far right of screen) --> Fonts tab? If so, “where” did you “rename” it? In the drop-down from the screenshot I sent at the beginning of this thread the other day? Or did you rename it IN the fonts tab?

If I’m not looking in the right place, then I am even more confused than my question was suggest above. LOL. Please direct me, and thank you very much for fixing.

Look forward to your follow-up, thank you.


Hello Ray,

Yes, I renamed it in the Font Manager, WP Admin --> Cornerstone --> Theme Options --> Globals (far right of screen) --> Fonts tab. If you check the font names, it is now “Mathilde” in the font name dropdown. The same name as what you had when you added the custom font.


Hi Ruenel,

Thanks for the follow-up and guidance. I wonder how it ever changed in the first place. I never did. And it looks like a machine-named, or system-named, change.

Anyway, I appreciate your time and assistance.


You are most welcome, Ray.

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