Custom Archive Layout not showing as portfolio page

My portfolio page is:

I built a custom layout for the portfolio items - this works fine. And I built a custom layout for the portfolio archive. This does not work.

Assignment conditions for an Archive template do not include a Specific Page. Hoping you can help with the correct conditions to make this work.

Hello @flippingtires,

Thanks for writing to us.

I would suggest you please set the Priority as 0, I would also recommend you please purge all the cache and browser cache as well.
Untitled-Archive-Layout-Archive-Layout-Cornerstone (2)

You must clear the system cache from the cornerstone—>settings —>System —>Clear system cache.

If it doesn’t work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Secure note sent. Clearing the caches did not fix the problem.

Hello @flippingtires,

You are having a slug conflict.

“Memories” Page slug:

“Memories” custom URL slug:

The custom URL slug should ONLY be memory to resolve the conflict. When someone visits the Memories page, it can be viewed in for example; while the individual memory portfolio items will be This would mean that the Memories which is a normal page will use the one built with Cornerstone and the Memories archive will be used on all the Memory portfolio archives.

Hope this makes sense.

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