I have a site with a CPT registered as “Projects” and a registered taxonomy of “Market(s)”. On the Project Single page, the goal here is to show related “Projects” by their shared taxonomy (market) using a slider element. I had this working before, where I placed a Looper Provider on Content Wrapper: Current Post Terms > Taxonomy = Markets. This Content Wrapper is also set as a Looper Consumer. Great.
Next, the Slide Container had this query: market_name={{dc:term:slug}}&post_type=projects&posts_per_page=12&post__not_in%5B0%5D={{dc:post:id}}
and the slide itself was the Looper Consumer for this query. This was all working fine for awhile until I recently updated to the latest version of Pro. I’ve even changed the Query to read: category_name={{dc:term:slug}}&post_type=projects&posts_per_page=12&post__not_in%5B0%5D={{dc:post:id}}
and that only gives me the current Post.
What am I doing wrong here? This was working just fine before!