Current Terms Provider, incorrect result


On this page:

I have a provider like this:

CleanShot 2024-07-22 at 12.28.06

Which should return any entries from the taxonomy Species.

For this post, the answer is Zero. There are no terms associated.

But, the result from the looper is a count of 1

Here’s the output

Results: {{dc:looper:count}}

In the editor, we see a term News displayed, which is a general category of this post but not part of Species.

When I run this outside the editor I see this:

The Looper Consumer correctly displays nothing!

But I have a text element, with a condition saying "if {{dc:looper:count}} = 0 display “No results” - this doesn’t happen, because the Looper:count seems to be one instead of zero.

Here’s the elements related to the output

In summary

  • The {{dc:looper:count}} reports a count of 1, when it should be zero
  • The “No results” element therefore doesn’t display as the looper count is not zero (wrongly)
  • Whilst editing the layout, the Consumer displays “News |” when it shouldn’t
  • When viewed outside the editor, the consumer behaves as expected

That’s it, Bill.

Hey Bill,

Thanks for reaching out!

Yes, indeed the frontend view doesn’t display any items. With that said, it would be very best to check your backend settings. To do that, please provide the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Done - credentials added above. Bill.

Hey Bill,

It seems that the credentials are not an admin, I cannot locate the Cornerstone. Please see the secure note below.

Thank you.

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