Create Woocommerce Page (Archive Page) that list the products under 999


Please assist me to Create Woocommerce Page (Archive Page) that list all the products under certain price for example 999. For your kind information I am using Pro theme.

Hoping for the solutions.

Thank you and best regards.

Bibhash Karn

Hey Bibhash Karn,

Thanks for writing in! With WooCommerce, there is no archive page that displays products according to price. What you can do is create a normal page that will serve to display product items, run a Looper, and filter only products that have prices under 999.

Hope this makes sense.


Thank you for response and suggestions.

We have done as per suggestion and achieved the page with list of products under 999.

We have achieved a singe page with 36 products with the "'posts_per_page' => 36," in the query. Is there anyway we can achieve all the products under price 999 with the pagination.

Hoping for the solutions.

Thank you and best regards.

Hey Bibhash Karn,

We need to check your setup first before we can recommend you something. To do that, please provide the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Archive page in question

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Hope that helps.


Thank you for your response.

As suggested please see the details at the secure note for your information.

Hoping for the suggestion for the solution.

Thank you and best regards.

Hello Bibhash,

I would suggest you go to your layout and set the condition where you have enabled the Looper consumer.

{{dc:woocommerce:product_price}}<= 999

Please note you need to set the conditions expression as a number and insert the dynamic content code as shown in the above screenshot.
