Cornerstone stuck loading preview - another one

Hey guys!

Since yesterday I have the problem that upon opening certain pages in Cornerstone, their preview is not being loaded. I haven’t changed anything - Wordpress is up to date, X Pro and Cornerstone too. I didn’t change any plugins or settings…everything was working fine. I don’t have a caching plugin running, I deleted the browser and Max cache, I cannot get it to work. Would you mind taking a look? Maybe you see something I don’t.



Hello Umberto,

Thanks for writing to us.

I tried to access your site dashboard but the given login details are not working at the moment. I would suggest you troubleshoot with a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings.

If it doesn’t work for you please recehck your login details and send us again.


I tried that already with no luck. I’m gonna send you the credentials again.

Hey @umbertofederico,

The issue is because of the Complianz 3rd party plugin. Please check out these threads instead:

Best Regards.

The first one totally worked for me! Thanks so much - in deed, I have a vimeo embed on there so that’s probably why it didn’t load the homepage

You are most welcome.

Hey @umbertofederico,

just to be sure: better doublecheck that the cookie banner is still working on the front end as this problem came up in the second link thread.

Now that you say it…it doesn’t :frowning: is there a solution or should I try another cookie plugin? any recommendations?

Have you tried the code from the second link?

Hey @umbertofederico,

I have logged in and edited the homepage. It loads in the builder without any issue.

  • See the screenshot below.


Mh the problem now isn’t that the preview isn’t loading. It’s that the cookie banner doesn’t show up. I tried incognito tab and deleting the cache but I don’t get the banner anymore. :sweat_smile:

I’ll try that thank you!!

Hello @umbertofederico,

Please let us know how it goes.


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