Cornerstone problems and alternative editors

Hello, we have gone through major drama because of Cornerstone creating errors with WPML. This might be in the past, but we went through so much trouble transitioning to WP Bakery, that now we do not want to risk this again.

Our speed specialist identified there being multiple page editors active as being a source for our low page speed. So while I am trying to figure out if we have to move to a new theme, two questions:

Since apparently we need Cornerstone for header and footer and certain styles, is it possible to turn off the page builder permanently, and only activate it when needed to change a style?

Will the x theme templates also work with WP Bakery or Gutenberg?

Can you recommend a specialized X Theme developer to help us speed up the page and avoid unnecessary plugins etc.?

Hey @rosiewrose,

Thanks for reaching out!

If you are looking to speed up your website, we have a service called Boosts. You can check it here for your information.

Thank you.

Hi, that is wonderful, but being a nonprofit, we cannot afford this fee right now… plus, this concerns three websites!
Can you please give me some feedback regarding the questions above?
Best wishes

Hi Rosie,

Unfortunately, the website speed related issue is beyond the scope of Theme Support and that is why my colleague has referred to the Boost.


Yes, I understand, thank you for the quick reply. The questions, independently of speed, were:
Since apparently we need Cornerstone for header and footer and certain styles, would it be possible to turn off the page builder permanently, and only activate it when needed to change a style?

Will the x theme templates also work with WP Bakery or Gutenberg?

Can you recommend a specialized X Theme developer to help us speed up the page and avoid unnecessary plugins etc.? I think a lot of the problems come from developers who are not really skilled to use the features of x theme.

Thank you

Hey @rosiewrose,

1.) You can always go to Cornerstone Settings > Permissions and turn OFF the builder.

2.) Yes, it will work. You will have several page templates that you can use:

3.) You may contact for more specialized Themeco theme modifications.

Best Regards.

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