Cornerstone previews wysiwyg broken with blank page


I habe a BIG issue with CornerStone from Pro WP Template !
Suddently, the preview display of wysiwyg interface just… flash… and stay withe with nothing displayed.
I checked the front-end, everything is ok, same last save, same display. But nothing in the editor… can not work on it !

i was working on the implement of a widget when it crashed… i delete after it and the issue still there.

il tried loading few templates, its the same.

i tried :

  • clear the cache from option CS section
  • disconnect-reconnect the website admin
  • Reboot the computer
  • search for some update of Pro template

…still not working for CS Editor

I designed the website since weeks, i cannot just redo all the things from scratch… its impossible !

Can you help me please ? that stress me a lot !


Hey Florian,

Thanks for reaching out!

In order for us to help you with your concerns, we need to check your backend setting properly. That being said, would you mind sharing your admin credentials? Please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Page URL or Layout Name

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hi @Marc,

Thank you very much for your reply.
it seems everything came back to normal, maybe 20-30 minutes later as a magic trick… maybe a cloud maintenance… i don’t know.

So this issue is solved, thank you :slight_smile:

in fact, i have a news issue loading widget’s Json and x-stack-blog.png
kinda strange issue, i don’t know how to fix it for now… maybe you can help me or tell me how ?
Do you ever need access to my staging ?

Thanks a lot


scrennshot in attachment

Hi Florian,

It does not seems the issue with the Theme, I would suggest activate any of the default theme like TwentyTwenty and check if that resolve your problem or not. If issues, persist that means it might be a problem with the widget. I would suggest you install the Classic Widget plugin to get the older way to use the widget.

Hope it helps.

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