Cornerstone page builder datetime condition not working?

Hello, I’ve used the datetime condition in the past and it’s worked but for whatever reason, I had scheduled this element to display after November 12 at 12:00am but it did not display:
Screenshot 2024-11-12 081053

It’s still not displaying so I’m confused on why that’s happening. Is there something additional I should have done? Thanks in advance.

Hello James,

Thanks for writing in!

There should be a value on the left column. For example, {{dc:post:meta key="field_name"}} AFTER Tue Nov 12 2024 00:01:00

For more details about the conditions and assignments, please check this out:

Best Regards.

So instead of using the Datetime condition I have to past {{dc:post:meta key="field_name"}}? I didn’t see anything with field_name but I do see something that says Meta (Custom Field):
Screenshot 2024-11-18 113043
Would this be the field I select? And if so, I do not see a field_name option. Let me know what I should be looking for, thanks!

Hi James,

In the left option there should be a value/expression to compare with the date you are selecting, please find the screenshot attached. You need to select the field name from Meta(Custom Field) as shown in your screenshot.

Hope it helps.

So I select date:timefield first then I paste in {{dc:post:meta key=“field_name”}} or would it be a different value?

Hey James,

If you are comparing if todays date is after the specific date value, you condition will be:
{{dc:global:date}} AFTER Tue Nov 12 2024 00:01:00

Hope this helps.

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