I installed Cornerstone with another theme. The theme’s customizer is showing the Google fonts.
Cornerstone works fine, but I only see systemfonts.
How can I fix this?
I installed Cornerstone with another theme. The theme’s customizer is showing the Google fonts.
Cornerstone works fine, but I only see systemfonts.
How can I fix this?
Hi @Marco,
Thank you for reaching out to us. Please make sure you’re using the latest version of Cornerstone as it looks like you’re using an old version. You can find the latest version numbers here: (https://theme.co/docs/version-compatibility) Then you can compare them to what’s installed on your site. If you find anything to be out of date, you can review our update guide.
If the issue persists then please follow the troubleshooting steps here https://theme.co/docs/common-issues you can specifically follow these ones:
Let us know how this goes!
I’m using Cornerstone 4.2.3, the latest version…
Hi @Marco,
Did you do the troubleshooting that my colleague told you? If yes, then still nothing happen, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.
You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.
Thank you.
Hi Cramaton,
Yes, I tried the things Nabeel told me to do. No result.
Grtz Marco
Hi Marco,
For some reason the Google fonts in your Font Manager is not working maybe because you are using another theme, if you are using X or Pro Theme they will automatically available in the option. But there’s another workaround, the workaround is to add the custom font you want to use in your website. For example, I tried to add a custom font in your website called “Open Sans” and it is just working fine.
To know more on how to add a custom font, please check our docs.
Hope that helps.
Thank you.
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