I don’t know how most people feel in the Cornerstone Editor when the content structure has already grown quite large. But I still have problems finding the right level and affiliation for larger and more complex content because everything looks pretty much the same.
That’s why I played around a bit with the possibilities and gave Cornerstone a little more color. What I was missing, especially with the new feature Deactivated, was that a deactivated layer should somehow be easily recognizable as such.
Here is my test:
If you want to try it out for yourself:
add_action ('cornerstone_before_boot_app', function () { add_action ('wp_print_styles', 'CS_admin_enqueue_cornerstone_css'); });
function CS_admin_enqueue_cornerstone_css ()
wp_enqueue_style ('Cornerstone_xCSS', ** path to your css file **);
And the css file
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 0;"] .tco-layer-content
border-left: 3px solid orange;
.tco-layer:not([style="--lvl: 0;"]) .tco-layer-content-before
border-left-color: rgb(200, 128, 0);
border-left-width: 2px;
border-left-style: solid;
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 1;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(200, 128, 0);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 2;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(198, 200, 0);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 3;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(0, 200, 20);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 4;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(0, 189, 200);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 5;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(0, 125, 200);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 6;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(0, 37, 255);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 7;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(144, 0, 254);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 8;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(212, 31, 182);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 9;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(200, 0, 62);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 10;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(200, 128, 0);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 11;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(198, 200, 0);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 12;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(0, 200, 20);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 13;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(0, 189, 200);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 14;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(0, 125, 200);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 15;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(0, 37, 255);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 16;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(144, 0, 255);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 17;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(212, 31, 182);}
.tco-layer[style="--lvl: 18;"] .tco-layer-content-before {border-left-color: rgb(200, 0, 62);}
.tco-layer:has(.is-eye-slash) .tco-layer-content
background-color: rgb(128, 0, 0);
A button for expand all, and collapse all or for a specific layer and below would also be great.
What do you think?