After a recent update, this Cornerstone error started to occur on every editor page or preview.
Error: “The preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete. This is most often related to a plugin conflict, or customizations introducing a PHP error.”
Version information: Nginx 1.12.2, PHP-FPM 7.0.28, Ubuntu 14.04, Wordpress 4.9.5 (multisite enabled), X 6.0.4, Cornerstone 3.0.4.
This is not being caused by a plugin/theme conflict. It has been check for plugin/theme conflicts. It has been unable to be reproduced in a test environment. There are no thrown PHP errors (IE OOM, max vars, exceptions, etc). There are JS warnings related to the loading of Cornerstone content.
JS Console:
[Warning] preview-frame::update-aborted (cs.js, line 6837)
error: true
message: "incomplete"
response: "↵↵↵↵↵↵<!DOCTYPE html>↵↵<html class=\"no-js\" lang=\"en-US\">↵↵<head>↵ ↵<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">↵<meta name=\"viewport…"
Object Prototype
Already ruled out:
- Plugin/theme conflicts
- PHP configuration faults (memory is fine, max vars is fine, etc)
- PHP exceptions/Wordpress hard conflicts
- Browser (Tested on latest versions of FF, Chrome, Safari at time of posting).
- Multisite errors