Hi There, i’m having some issues in cornerstone preventing me from editing some posts (well actually lessons from Sensei LMS)
The situation:
I have a site thats fully built recently, i’ve copied it to a different install and am now replacing the text with a different language (french). All the work i’ve been doing is simple text replaces (and i’m doing this in text edit not visual editor and ensuring no additional code/formatting is being pasted.
Everything was fine until i was editing one lesson. Cornerstone got slow and laggy. I was able to save successfully and tried moving to my next post to edit. When i tried that one I got the “preview could not load error”.
I closed cornerstone, cleared cache, even tried resetting permalinks without success.
Some posts open fine, others get the preview error and then some also give me a “Document error: unauthorized”
Any ideas on how to remedy?