Cornerstone editor not working - generic white page

When trying to edit a page in Cornerstone, click on “Edit with Cornerstone” a basic generic white page opens with no ability to do anything. This is affecting the entire website and cannot be edited - see attached screenshot.

Website has the latest version of Cornerstone Version 4.2.3 w current version of X theme.

Hello @mwgideon,

Thanks for writing in! Could you please update to the latest versions?
Our latest versions are:

  • X theme 7.2.3
  • Cornerstone 4.2.3
  • WordPress core 5.3.2

This latest release contains fixes for several issues so be sure to check out the changelog (

After doing the updates, always remember to clear all caches (if you are using WP Rocket, WP SuperCache or W3 Total Cache) when updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors.

If nothing is helping, provide us access to your site so that we can check your settings. Please create a secure note with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WordPress Admin username / password

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out:

Please let us know how it goes.

All items have the current updates already installed.

Hey @mwgideon,

Based on your screenshot of the issue, the website resources like images and CSS are not loaded. Cornerstone does not do that. There’s highly likely an underlying issue with your WordPress and/or server setup that breaks Cornerstone.

There are a lot of factors that could hinder the resources of your site from loading. Below is a list of some of those factors.

Factor 1: Having an index.html inside the folder where you installed WordPress.
Solution: Have your web host delete the said file

Factor 2: CORS
Solution: Please read here:

Factor 3: Redirects
Solution: Contact your web host to disable all redirects in your site and also reset your htaccess file.

If none of that helps and as requested previously, please provide the following info in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • URL of the page you’re editing
  • FTP or cPanel access (ask your web host in case your not familiar with this)


I spoke with the web host who disabled all redirects and even deactivated plugins to see if this was causing the issue, which did not fix the issue. They claim there is some other issue going on, maybe PHP compatibility related and offered to pass it on to their developers for review at a cost.

I’d like to send you a wordpress login first, to see if you can verify if there is a php issue occurring or something else being overlooked.

Hi @mwgideon,

The credentials are incorrect and already tried 3 times with different combinations, would you mind providing the correct ones? Then I’ll continue checking.


updating with new login details which have been tested…

Hello @mwgideon,

All your settings is correct. Whenever we check the X > Theme Options or edit a page, we are seeing this page:

Do you have an index.html or error.html or any custom redirection that displays this page? Please do check your root directory. If you won’t mind, kindly provide us your FTP details in a secure note so that we can look for the file.

Thank you in advance.

FTP login details for further troubleshooting…

Hello @mwgideon,

The given FTP credentials is incorrect. It does not goes to the correct WP installation folder. All it displays is a blank and empty directory folder.


I checked the FTP credentials again and it should now be working.

Hello @mwgideon,

Thanks for providing the ftp credentials. After investigating, I found out that you actually have an x folder in the directory which is not necessary. I went ahead and delete the said folder. You can now access the Theme Options and load Cornerstone properly.

Kindly check your site now.

Thanks so much for looking into and addressing the issue - everything thing seems to be functioning as it should now.

You’re welcome. Glad we’re able to help.

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