Cornerstone edit text


link to YouTube video in secure link as don’t want GDPR issues with my client. The issue is demonstrated at about 1:30 in the video

As mentioned here:

and here:

I also have the same problem.

hi there,

that is now very interesting and as i mentioned this is not the first time in the past years that i run into this problem. some customers had the problem and i always blamed it on them, because it worked for me…
so maybe it is a local conflict with the browser and os?

and could you all please check if you use the plugin “essential grid” on your websites? it would not be the first time this plugin breaks themes (also other themes)!

No essential grid on our clients site.

thanks! but there goes one theory :wink:

Hello Guys,

When I try to replicate this, I wasn’t able to. The only difference is that on my test, I only have a few elements on the page. Comparing my test to the Youtube video, I am seeing the active Slider moving about to the next slide every few seconds plus some other elements on the page. Keep in mind that the more elements you have and the lot more going on the page eats up a lot of resources. This can also affect the events on the page like the response of the Text changes within the Text element and even how much time the browser needs to save those changes. Anyways, we will investigate this further and use a very large page with a lot of elements.

Best Regards.

dear @ruenel,
thanks for your reply!
the response time of the builder is crucial of course! that is one point i hope you keep working on.
and of course i would not want to think about the amount of text or elements on a page when building may website… in my case the pages where rather small, though.
best wishes, kai

No problem, Kai. I will relay your feedback to our developers as well.

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