Cornerstone edit text

hi there,
i keep running into this problem - and it is not a new one. on several sites i created with pro and x:
editing text in the main page in cornerstone mode (green border around the text and double click into this text box) is not being saved or changed after save and preview.
only way it works i redo the whole edits in the extra pop-up text window in rich-text mode. then the edits (like making paragraphs or bold text) is being saved correctly.
hope you can help. best wishes, kai

I’m having the same problem. Can’t edit text in Cornerstone. It won’t save. Driving me crazy!

Now it’s magically working again for me? How about you @iTurtle

Nevermind. It’s a problem again. Something isn’t right!!

We are also having the same problem!

And it is a huge problem when clients are editing the content, especially long text with a lot of paragraphs - things like legal texts.

All the paragraphs and breaks are removed at the moment you leave the “green-border box” - while WYSIWYG editing.

Editing in the sidebar’s Content > Edit Text works OK.

We urgently need a solution for that!
Kind regards.

Hello Guys,

Which versions are you using? Pro 6.1.4 up to the latest version have this known issue. We have reported this issue already and our developers will be rolling out a patch update anytime soon.

Please bear with us. Thanks.

thanks to everybody chiming in! i miss this a litte in the forums here :wink:

i am glad it is a known problem. meaning it will be solved sooner than later - hopefully. this is really important!

but i must say i know this issue from years ago. also with x. only when customers wanted to edit their text - because i never use it usually (the reason being the double click drives me crazy because i have to wait a few seconds before i can start typing.). luckily only very few of my customers want to do this on their own… :wink:

actually this is a reason why i choose not to use themcos x or pro for customers who are not computer savy and need it really really simple :wink:

hoping for a quick and permanent fix - best wishes, kai

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Hi @iTurtle,

As my colleague says that we have already reported this issue and our development team is working on that and will be fixed soon. Please stay tuned for the theme update.


Yes, we are using the latest version of Cornerstone: 7.1.8.

Looking forward to a quick update with the permanent fix.
Kind regards.

Hi @dasbios,

Thanks for confirming it. Please stay tuned for the upcoming theme update.

We updated to the latest Cornerstone v7.1.9 that came out yesterday.

It’s fixed!

Thank you.

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Hey @dasbios,

We’re glad that the new update fix your issue.


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thanks a lot for fixing this quickly! bravo :slight_smile:

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Hi @iTurtle,

Glad that we are able to help you.


Hi @tristup
One of my clients is still reporting this as a problem they are on Pro 6.1.9 and this still seems to be a problem. They have cleared their cache, checked for updates in Chrome browser and checked if there are windows updates.
They describe the bug as follows:
select a text element, click the inspect icon, click the edit text box to open the text editor, edit the text (which does not update the preview) click save, but the edit isn’t saved.

I have a hunch that it is being caused by templates that have been created in previous versions. I have a similar issue with sliders that were built in previous versions that wont show images on the front end but will in the back end but if i create a slider from scratch all works fine

My customer has just updated me to confirm that they experience exactly the same behaviour when using the Edge browser as they do when using the Chrome browser. Not sure if this will help track the problem but thought it might be worth mentioning

Hello @The_Capture_Factory,

I just tested it in MS Edge browser and I could no longer replicate the issue.

Please ask them to clear the browser cache or use private browsing mode.

And remember that when is in GREEN borders, you can double-click and edit the contents. Once you have added a dynamic content in the contents, it displays a yellowish border color and you cannot edit it by double-click.

Best Regards.

Hi @ruenel

I have done a screen recording with my customer to show the issue. Let me know how is best to share the recording. I can send via WeTransfer as it will be quite big.

Initially the issue seems to be fixed but after the 3rd text box edit the edits are no longer saved. We did the same exercise on a blank page just with text boxes and all seemed to be fine, so i suggested adding a slider in from their templates and as soon as i did that the issue reappeared

Hello @The_Capture_Factory,

You can use LoomShare or just upload the video in Youtube.


I’m also still having the same exact issues as @The_Capture_Factory