The element icons are a nice little change! There’s these notices for the Cornerstone Charts related elements though:
Element icon 'cornerstone-charts-bar' did not resolve to a valid SVG <empty string> app.react18.7.6.0-beta3.js:27:46267
Element icon 'cornerstone-charts-bubble' did not resolve to a valid SVG <empty string> app.react18.7.6.0-beta3.js:27:46267
Element icon 'cornerstone-charts-bar' did not resolve to a valid SVG <empty string> app.react18.7.6.0-beta3.js:27:46267
Element icon 'cornerstone-charts-doughnut' did not resolve to a valid SVG <empty string> app.react18.7.6.0-beta3.js:27:46267
Element icon 'cornerstone-charts-line' did not resolve to a valid SVG <empty string> app.react18.7.6.0-beta3.js:27:46267
Element icon 'cornerstone-charts-pie' did not resolve to a valid SVG <empty string> app.react18.7.6.0-beta3.js:27:46267
Element icon 'cornerstone-charts-polarArea' did not resolve to a valid SVG <empty string> app.react18.7.6.0-beta3.js:27:46267
Element icon 'cornerstone-charts-radar' did not resolve to a valid SVG <empty string> app.react18.7.6.0-beta3.js:27:46267
Element icon 'cornerstone-charts-scatter' did not resolve to a valid SVG <empty string> app.react18.7.6.0-beta3.js:27:46267
Element icon 'cornerstone-charts-line' did not resolve to a valid SVG <empty string>