ConvertPlus - Dead Extension?

Hi Themeco team, hope you are well.

I have a service I provide that was built using the ConvertPlus extension bundled with Pro. I would like some information regarding whether or not you are still supporting this extension and providing the latest update to Themeco Pro license owners, or is this a dead end of life extension?

Version 3.5.27 has been available since May 2024. The last news I heard regarding this plugin was that the latest updates are not successfully updating. We’ve been left in the dark regarding this for quite some time. What’s up? Some transparency would be greatly appreciated.

  • Kosta

Hello Kosta,

Thanks for writing to us.

We currently support the ConvertPlus plugin version 3.5.27 which is the latest version of the ConvertPlus plugin as per their release.

Please note that it is a third-party plugin and the code base is not in our control so the third-party plugin can be updated when the plugin author releases the update. Then we test it on our end with our theme and builder to avoid the compatibility issue. The ConvertPlus third-party extension is still in the X/Pro theme bundled plugin package.

Hope it helps

Thank you for letting me know that you support the latest updates. I applied the update, and at the moment it is on 3.5.27

@prakash_s , for future reference, it would be helpful if themeco support would follow up on threads in this forum where people have had issues instead of closing them and not allowing new comments. That way others that have had the same exact issue as myself will be informed too.


Hi Kosta,

Unfortunately, the forum thread closed automatically a short time after the last reply.
