Thanks for the offer Tristup! I might need that help later. when I try to have yet another image just for the weekend. Should I make that a new thread?
I found that my code example did work (I had to wait 24hrs to test my theory, though - lol)
The problem was the image that I wanted to only show for after hours (6pm to 9am the following day) didn’t like my conditional logic of 21:00 to 09:00.
The solution was to have two instances of the same image, but one for the time slot of 21:00 to 23:59, and the other from 00:00 to 09:00.
For those following, here’s the corrected conditional logic:
Morning Image (9 AM - 11:59 AM)
Variable: {{dc:global:time}}
Condition: After
→ 09:00
Variable: {{dc:global:time}}
Condition: Before
→ 12:00
Afternoon Image (12 PM - 5:59 PM)
Variable: {{dc:global:time}}
Condition: After
→ 12:00
Variable: {{dc:global:time}}
Condition: Before
→ 18:00
Night / After-hours Image 1 (6 PM - 23:59 PM)
Variable: {{dc:global:time}}
Condition 1: After
→ 18:00
Condition 2: Before
→ 23:59
Night / After-hours Image 2 (12 AM - 8:59 AM)
Variable: {{dc:global:time}}
Condition 1: After
→ 00:00
Condition 2: Before
→ 09:00