On my site, a number of my pages use conditions to display and not display items depending on parameters in the URL. i.e I may show a download only if the user has come from my mailing list using a custom parameter in my URL. This is a fantastic and powerful feature in Xtheme.
However, though I’m able to use any of my own custom parameters, whenever I try to use a UTM parameter i.e “utm_content” this functionality breaks. In fact if I add “utm” to any of my custom parameters, it breaks.
For example using your conditions and basing it on a string using {{dc:url:param key=“test”}} I was able to display additional information on my page when “?test=test” was in my URL. However, when changing this to “?utm_test=test” it no longer works. Obviously utm_test is not a utm parameter itself but this just to show you that simply having those three letters in a parameter stops this from working completely.
Is this by design? Are you blocking this feature from working with UTM parameters purposefully or is there a bug here? Or do I have to use a different feature designed specifically for UTM parameters?
I’d love to be able to use UTMs as it will allow for some powerful user experience features plus information in my analytics.
I hope this makes sense, I don’t know all of the correct terminology, but with some tinkering I discovered this feature and would love to use it to its full potential. Would love if you could test this and get back to me.
Thanks for your time and help,