Classic slider - carousel jumps to first slide

Hi there,

I have setup a classic slider.
It is set to carousel, no auto play (see image)

If click on a slide, it moves to the center - perfect
At the end I see the first slide again (of course. I have carousel)
A click on this last slide (which is original the first slide) triggers all slides to scroll back to the first position, instead of moving on. It is difficult to describe:


  • Animation is highlighted
  • press VR / AR, Forschung Design, Event
  • again Animation and the slider scrolls back to the beginning, instead of continuously moving on
    If I set transition to 0 ms seams to work, but than I have jumps and not a sliding.

Any help?
Thank you,

Hey Michael,

Thanks for writing in! We would love to check your Slider settings. Please provide us with your WP access details. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
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– Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Best Regards.

Hi @ruenel ,

done. Thank you


Any news? Did anyone investigate this issue on the staging side?
Looking forward for an anwser

Hey Michael,

What you see is normal. We currently don’t yet have a “continuous” sliding for the setup that you have. I’m going to list this down as a feature request.

For now, if you need that, you need to enable Marquee Autoplay.

Hello @christian,

Thanks, but are we talking about the same slider?
My setting ist “Carousel”.
It says in your docs:
" * Wrap – Set to Reset by default, which means when you reach the end of your content, clicking the “next” navigation button will reset to the first position in your Slider. Alternately, Carousel will clone your content at either end, creating an endless loop of content."

That’s what I ask for. I do not have an endless loop. I have some kind of reset to the first slide.

Can we please check this again? Or change the documentation to make it true?

I would be glad to get an answer :slight_smile:

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