Charts External API

I’m trying to find out more about the parameters for External API. I have a request working in PostmanAPI, so I know what headers I need etc and that it all works. But this API requires a username:password authentication. But I don’t see any Authorization section in the External API documentation (want to use it for displaying data in Charts).

Anyone have any luck or guidance on what I can do here?


More specifically, this is for a Digest Auth. Not really sure where to put the values for required fields.


I believe I answered you on Youtube, but just to recap for anybody else.

  1. In a later release of the External API we’re going to have more direct controls for Authentication like 0Auth2, digest, and JWT.
  2. Because Digest requires an initial request. With the External REST API you can actually make an initial request for the Digest 401 response and make another request after that using the first requests data. From the first one you would use the realm / nonce needed to generate a valid hash for a digest authentication. This is admittedly not straightforward or easy, but we have already solved some 0Auth2 requests using a similar strategy to get the valid token required in the first request so it is technically possible. In Pro 6.5 we plan on adding a way to directly MD5 hash any piece of dynamic content, but you will most likely need to integrate with our Dynamic Content API as it stands.

Have a great day.

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