How can I change the Icon Hover Color to a solid red #f92b51? Currently it is green to purple. Link to page. Icon at bottom. Thank you.
Hey @rkassebaum,
Thanks for reaching out!
If you want to change the icon color on hover, you just need to go to the color option inside your icon element and look for the interaction.
Hope that helps.
Say, have changed the interaction and still showing the same blended colors. Tried changing container 2 color and still didn’t change the green/blue color combination. Can you outline a few more steps? I must be missing something. Thank you.
Hello @rkassebaum,
I have inspected the icons and it seems that you have added a custom inline CSS:
$el.x-anchor:hover {
background-image: linear-gradient(to top right,#0ec5a0,#0ec5a0,#8055ee,#8055ee);
If you can remove this, your issue should be resolved. Having difficulties finding this code? Please provide us access to your site so we can look for it. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
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To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works
Best Regards.
Actually, we just loaded this in from your templates. So, those colors were already in the template. Appreciate you taking a look. Here is login info.
Hello @rkassebaum,
Simply edit your page and individually click on the Social icons. The inline custom CSS must be removed.
And then use the color pickers in the Social icon element settings like this:
Hope this helps.
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