Can't get lightbox plugins to work

We are having issues trying to get photo lightbox functionality working on

Both of these lightbox plugins ( and are not working with X & Cornerstone.

We’ve tried disabling every other plugin on the site, deregistering JS (and actually deleting the files) for both Cornerstone & X, and the only thing that actually made either plugin work was switching to a different theme and disabling Cornerstone.

WordPress version 5.9
Cornerstone version 6.1.4
Theme X version 9.1.4

Note: We know Cornerstone has it’s own lightbox, but for various reasons we would prefer not to use that one.

Any thoughts on how to get either lightbox plugin working on this site?

Hello @awpny,

Thanks for writing in! To better assist you with the light box issue, please provide us the URL where we can find the lightbox to figure out why the lightbox is not triggered. You may also provide WP access if needed to access the page or site. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
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To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works

Best Regards.

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