Hi there,
I am trying to translate our website using WPML, however I am unable to translate global content. Even when trying to use a workaround ( via these forum threads: Wpml global blocks etc & https://wpml.org/errata/cornerstone-cant-translate-global-blocks/) It shows an empty screen. I did the following:
Open global section
Switch languages within the editor, where a popup shows to create a new translation of the section, I choose the copy option, so it should copy over the global section to my new translation.
Than the newly opened page is empty. I cant add anything to it (not a template or element), even though the confirmation says something is added on the bottom of the document.
I noticed a console error showing when viewing the empty page: app.react18.7.3.7.js?ver=7.3.7:23 No element ID for RENDER:UPDATE (see screenshot).
What to do now? I already updated the theme and related plugins to the newest version.