Bug with looper - difficult to explain

I am working on a site, which includes a post type called documents. They have their own taxonomy/category and I am using a looper provider to list the posts by that taxonomy. So I use one looper to loop through the taxonomy, then a sub-looper to go through the posts that are within each taxonomy.
It’s working fine, but I have found a little bug with the looper that happens when I add a link to one of the items.

It’s hard to explain, so I will make a screen capture video and upload it for you to take a look at.

I’ve made a staging site for you to access and will add the login to the secure info.

This is not a major problem for me, since the bug only seems to affect the cornerstone back-end and not the front side.

Thanks, Steve

I couldn’t recreate this by just playing around with a grid as a link. I’m also getting a message when I try to login to that staging. If I can get in there and see it on your site I can probably figure out something for you. Have a great day.

Sorry Charlie. That was silly of me not to test the login before I sent it to you.

If you try again now, it should work.

Appreciate the example. That one really puzzled me and I’m going to have to take a look on another day. For what it’s worth Div didn’t seem to have this issue.

I was just looking at this again today. When I change it to div I can’t add the link though.
I just made some changes and changed to a div element instead of the grid. I changed the html tag of the div to “a” and as soon as I place {{dc:post:permalink}} in to the url field the weirdness happens.