Bug with component - choose control is playing up

I’ve come across a bug that seems to be connected to the choose control.
There are two parts, which may be related.

The first is that when the component is added to a page, my choose control is showing up in breakout mode:

These are the settings for this choose control:

This doesn’t happen when the values and initial are set to strings (“1” and “0”), but my understanding is that if I want to use these values in a calc() function for a CSS value, they need to be numerical, is that right?

The second aspect of this bug, is that when this component is added to a page, switching the choose control back out of breakout mode resets all other values to their defaults. You can see the behaviour in this video:

This shows the process of adding the component, make a few changes to the parameters, then resetting the Padding choose control, which then resets the changes made earlier.

This behaviour also occurs if I change the component values to “1” and “0” and the initial to “1”. This time, if I use breakout mode to enter any other value, then make some changes to other controls, then return the choose control to its defined values, it resets all edited controls back to default.

Let me know if you need any more info, hopefully the above covers it

First Part. Yes I can update it to allow numbers as the initial value. It would not matter if you used strings or numbers there for a CSS calc statement. It does not output quotes when using Dynamic Content.

For the Second part. Can you give me the JSON of your parameters for that component? Or export a template using the component would help me here.

Thanks for the confirmation about numbers vs strings, that’s a big help.

I can replicate this very easily with any parameter, even if not on an exported component.
E.g., add a button to the page, go to the Button Parameters, and add the following simple JSON:

  "text" : "text|Default",
  "color" : "color|#fff",
  "select" : {
    "type" : "choose",
    "initial" : "2",
    "options" : [
      { "value" : "1", "label" : "Yes" },
      { "value" : "0", "label" : "No" }

As you can see, the initial "2" puts the choose in breakout, and if you then change the value of either (or both) of the other controls away from their default, and then click the arrow in the choose control to close out of breakout mode, it resets the values of both of the other controls to the default.

With a similar setup, if I use the following JSON:

  "text" : "text|Default",
  "color" : "color|#fff",
  "select" : {
    "type" : "choose",
    "options" : [
      { "value" : "1", "label" : "Yes" },
      { "value" : "0", "label" : "No" }

And then enter breakout mode manually too change the choose control to "2", and then come back out of breakout mode, the same result happens, with clicking on the arrow to revert out of breakout mode for that control resetting the other two controls to their default value as well.

Appreciate the notes and example. I will get that fixed in the next point release. Have a great day.