BUG? Pro 6.4.20 - Issues with page templates

Never really sure where the best place to report bugs is. Perhaps you need a bug reporting section where people can post bugs even if they no longer have support access.

Putting it here but if you prefer them in the normal forum just let me know and I’ll put them there going forward.

I had to recently move some full page templates from a staging site to a live site.

There are a few issues present with a full page template. Seem to have crept in with “Personify”.

The page JS gets duplicated - the template copies the page JS but appends it to the existing JS. This essentially duplicates everything in an instance where you are trying to replace the entire page.

Most of my images, but not all, were broken. In the staging site the images are referenced in the dynamic content as 23452:full in the live site after importing the template the images are referenced with the url followed by :full. This breaks the link to the image. I had to manually work through the images and delete :full to get the images working again.

i.e. staging site had 2121:full where 2121 is the WordPress id of the image and live site had https://mydomain.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/myimage.png:full

There were a few other strange things happening but I forget exactly what they were.

Can you send me the page template in question? I don’t mind anyone posting random things in the Beta channel, it’s only me who watches this channel so you’re limited to when I’m answering things. Thanks have a great day.

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I’ve added a link to the .tco files in the secure notes

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Appreciate that. Yeah I’ll cleanup that :full issue with your URL image imports in a soon to come release.

As for the null:full, you probably had an image import issue as this didn’t happen to me. If you didn’t get an error popup for that, I don’t think we are displaying error visually for individual images that had an issue. I’ll update CS to show an error popup for this. The only thing that stood out to me on that one was the usage of .webp I don’t you need to do anything on the WP end to enable webp, but you might. Regardless CS will give you a notice on what happened when I release this fix.

Have a great weekend.

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