Bug and Load via SVG Broken...again


I recently updated Pro to the latest version and it seemed to introduced a bug and seems to break the load via SVG, if I switch it to Webfont, it’ll load fine.

I noticed this appears across some of my sites.

Noticed how when I hover, it loses the icon, this is a looper field, so not sure why it only happens for the first item.

The icons also, will disappear if using SVG, I had to swap it to Webfont for it to load, before the update, it was loaded via SVG

Any thoughts?

Hello Omar,

Thanks for writing in! Please be advised that you are using the Starter stack. There is a built in CSS on this stack that hides away graphic on the Headline element.

@media (hover) {
    .has-graphic:hover .x-graphic-primary:not(:only-child), [data-x-effect-provider*=effects]:hover .x-graphic-primary:not(:only-child) {
        opacity: 0;

Try switching to other stack like Integrity or override the CSS code in your Child theme. Be advised that custom CSS coding is beyond the scope of our support under our Support Policy. If you are unfamiliar with code and resolving potential conflicts, you may select our One service for further assistance.

Best Regards.

Sorry, but you didn’t address my 2 questions and I’ve paid to use the support forum when it’s typically a free thing with other builders so please refrain from trying to upsell.

Let me repeat:

  1. Previously icons was loading fine via SVG, but after upload it disappeared and now I have to load it via Webfont. This issue happened across various sites.
  2. What you suggested is not relevant in this case cause the preview in the builder shows it’s working fine, unless you’re telling me that we can’t trust the preview with native elements.

This is what you saw when hovering over the first item, take note that this behaviors only happens on the first item and the list here is using loopers, so logically if the first item is missing icon on hover, then all of them should be missing as well, but this isn’t the case

Whereas in Cornerstone, it is working fine and this is the behavior I’m expecting the live site to be.

Hey Omar,

1.) You are using the SVG in your Global settings. If this issue happened right after the update, then it could be just cache.

2.) Yes, you are right. In the preview, it works and on the front end, it does not. Only the first item is having the issue. I will forward this to @Charlie for further investigation.

Meanwhile, please make sure that your server supports SVG. Kindly check the SVG Support in the documentation here:

Best Regards.

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