Backround video on mobile

i have set a background video on a row. it works as intended on desktop but when it comes to sizing down to mobile, it does not appear as intended and shows black background as it is not filling the space with the video. I need the mobile to cover the entire screen with the video. How can i accomplish this?

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Hello @wisewebops,

Thanks for writing to us.

It is not possible to guide you with only a screenshot I would suggest you please share the exact page URL so we can check it on our end and guide you properly.


Thank you for your response it is and all the pages in the navigation use the same conventions.

Hello Elena,

Don’t use Youtube videos for background videos. It should be a self-hosted video. If you have the original copy of the video, upload it to the Media gallery and use the direct Video URL as the background video.

Hope this makes sense.

ok, @ruenel that does make sense. i just did updated the home page using your advice- looks good on desktop. on mobile i no longer have the black sides but it is zooming in dead center is there a way to adjust the focal point? You can’t really tell what’s happening in the video now… Any suggestions is appreciated. What’s the best practice for this? upload a mobile edited version that is cropped accordingly?

Hey Elena,

There is no option to reposition the background video. The option you have is to duplicate the section and use the Hide During Breakpoints feature to show one section on desktop and the other on mobile. Change the video for the mobile section accordingly.

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understood, thanks for your help!

You are most welcome, Elena

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