Assign Pro Header to a product category page

Good afternoon,

I understand the exact feature is still in development but I tried to do the following which was suggested in a different post:

Make the header you wish to be on the category pages the ‘global’ header and then assign the other headers to the products individuality.

I did this (header title Product category header) but instead the category page just picks a product header instead instead:

Please advise!
Thank you

Hi @hyperdrive_boom,

Thanks for writing to us.

The product categories render the header which is assigned for products. At this moment you need to add some code in the child theme to show the global header in Product categories.

You can also take a look at following tutorial for some help. Please note that the article explains the concepts using Search page but the fundamentals remains the same and that you will have to change conditional tags.

Here is a documentation of woocommerce Conditional tags

Please note that we do not provide support for custom development even if you use our theme’s hooks because we’d be working on your customizations if we do that and we only offer that service for our Elite customers. If you want us to customize your site, you might want to subscribe to our Elite service here


Thank you for this - from your links I managed to achieve what I set out to do

Kind Regards,

Hi @hyperdrive_boom,

You’re welcome and it’s our pleasure to help you. If you have any other concerns, feel free to reach us.

Thank you.

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