Archive Image broken with new posts only

It happens on PRO 6.4.19 & 6.5.1 (WP 6.5.5). Using ACF, loopers & providers. This archive used to work just fine (I’m not sure when it broke). When I create a new post, the archive page will not show the featured image (it’s broken). Things look fine on the post. So I took an old post, and edited it with the new information, and that seemed to work to display an image on the archive, but it was the old image! The post looks correct, although it carries the old slug. I cleared the Cornerstone cache, the Siteground cache, and looked on a different browser. I deactivated Siteground’s optimizers and other plugins. This is crazy because all the other items on the post can be easily changed and show up right away. Now what? More troubleshooting: Cannot remove or set a featured image on a post.
Elmo’s Fire is an old post that works fine.
Fireball’s Kasper1 is the new post that is broken.
Fireball’s KasperOrds is where I took an old post (Ordonnanz) and changed the info and photos. Individual post looks fine, but the archive photo is the old photo!

Hello @3butterflies,

Thanks for writing in! It could be that the featured image is missing or has been removed. We would love to investigate further. Please provide us with your WP details. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
– WP username
– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
– Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Best Regards.

sent! Thank you so much!

Hello @3butterflies,

The Sales archive is not displaying the featured image because you are using {{dc:acf:post_field field="horse_image_1"}} dynamic content. You should be using {{dc:post:featured_image_id}} instead.

I also noticed that there are two layers of Loopers, You should only be using 1.

Best Regards.

Thank you so much! You nailed it, I just had to change the featured_image_id. But strange that all of the horses on that page worked using horse_image_1 except when creating a new post.

I noticed that 2 layers of looper while troubleshooting, but didn’t want to mess with it until I fixed the image problem. It just worked until it didn’t, I guess. I appreciate your help!!

Hello @3butterflies,

Please fix the looper first and then your featured images because it is dependent on the return items from the loop.


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