Hi There,
My website is
I was hoping to start using the Add to Cart Form in my linesheet to make it easier for wholesale customers to directly purchase from the linesheet. I wanted to make it that they could add a product and a specific quantity directly from that page rather than having to go to the general shop page and deal with each product page individually.
Can I achieve this using Add to cart form? If so, is there any documentation of how to use this? When I add the element into the page, I don’t see where one can customize this element. It just shows as a shopping cart icon placeholder.
Hello @stopanddance,
Thanks for writing in! Please be advised that the “Add To Cart Form” element will only work for the custom layout of the product using the Layout builder. You cannot use it on a normal page. Please check out the detailed explanation of our lead developer here:
Best Regards.
thank you for this. In reference to my above post. Is there a way for me to create a linesheet page that allows people to add quantity and add to cart function straight from that page without having to navigate product pages? You can see my linesheet here:
Hello @stopanddance,
The feature that you want, it would require custom development. I would suggest you contact a developer who can assist you with your concern. Please note that we don’t provide custom development support. It is out of the support scope.
Thanks for understanding
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