Howdy @cdnwhite, thanks for writing in! WooCommerce is a little convoluted in how it handles certain bits of functionality, so hopefully I can help to illustrate a few different ways you might want to set things up depending on what you’re trying to achieve.
The first thing to be aware of is the control for allowing AJAX add to cart buttons at WordPress Admin → WooCommerce → Settings → Products → General → Add to cart behaviour → Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives:
While this setting says “on archives,” it’s really just a collection of special HTML attributes that are added to certain links on the archives with the default WooCommerce templates that trigger this AJAX add to cart action. If you were to add our “Add to Cart Button” Element onto a page in the Layout Builder in Pro, you will find under the Customize tab this is simply a Button Element that we’ve already applied all of those attributes to for you to place anywhere in your design:
So if that setting in the admin is checked at all and you’re using that Element to add a product to a cart, it will always trigger an AJAX add to cart action. When the AJAX action is triggered, our in-built theme feedback shows up to show an item being added to your cart, which bypasses any Shop Notices from being output. Now, if you were to disable that admin setting, you will find that clicking that button still works, but now your notices will trigger:
Additionally, you could keep the AJAX setting checked if desired, but swap out the “Add to Cart Button” with the “Add to Cart Form” Element, which is a native WooCommerce Element that will always add items to your cart via a page session / refresh:
As of right now, the one downside to using this Element is that it cannot be styled natively in the Builder as it will take on the global button styles from your Theme Options and the global form styling from the Stack you have selected in Theme Options, but you will get the quantity form and the button will always trigger notices.
So there’s a few different things to be aware of when setting up your Product pages and how certain Elements interact with your shop depending on that setting in the WordPress admin. Hopefully this all helps to point you in the right direction with things…cheers!