Hello - im 90% of the way there but to bring you up to speed:
I have two custom post types
Product and Coupons
My goal is to share ACF field data (in a looper) from Coupons post type to my Product post type - with the help of a Relationship field.
So for my Product post layout to have a looper that pulls in ACF custom field data from the Coupon posts via relationship field association.
So to follow on from my progress - i’ve followed this and can replicate the end result of showing all Coupon post titles on my Product page that have a relationship in a Looper - HOORAYY
Im stuck at the last hurdle of referencing an ACF field from the Coupon post type.
I can reference the Coupon custom post title easy enough with:
I’ve used this dynamic content to try and do this:
{{dc:post_field field=“coupon_title”}}
{{dc:post:meta key=“coupon_title”}}
{{dc:looper:field key=“coupon_title”}}
{{dc:acf:post_field field=“coupon_title”}}
{{dc:acfp:post:meta key=“coupon_title”}}
{{dc:acfp:looper:field key=“coupon_title”}}