ACF Pro is not updating

ACF Pro won’t update (I’ve had it for years with Pro), and it’s now listed as a “critical” security issue on my website. Hoping someone can please help me with this…?

Installed version is 6.3.10.

Thanks so much :slight_smile:

Hey Tina,

Thanks for writing in! The latest version is 6.3.10. Check out the changelog here:

You might want to check out the reply of @Charlie here:


Thank you @ruenel. I’ve checked out the reply and the same thing happens to me. It says it updates successfully, but then shows that it didn’t update. It says the update needs to happen again…and again…

If I delete it, I’ll be able to reinstall the updated version from the “Pro” menu, correct? Or should I wait until the next version?

Hey Tina,

Yes, if you delete it and reinstall the ACF from our bundled plugin, you have the latest version of ACF from our repository.

Thank you.

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Thank you @marc_a :slight_smile:

Hey Tina,

You’re most welcome!