Accordion toggle glitch inside Tabs Element supplied with External API data


I am utilizing an Accordion Element within a Tabs Element to create a page that retrieves data from an external API. I’ve noticed that when switching tabs and returning to the one with the accordion, the top toggle often (not always) stops working. I haven’t tested this with regular data, but it can also occur in my case with the bottom toggle, and less frequently with other accordion toggles. It happens on mobile and desktop devices. Here is a video of a mobile case on Samsung S21 FE. If you reload the page it starts working properly but when you switch tabs it can happen again at some point.

Here is the link to the page. Click on any tile with the lock icon and try to play with Tabs then with toggles on the first tab. If it doesn’t happen the first time you switch tabs, keep trying for some time.

Hey Ian,

Thanks for writing in! Your site is using an older version of the theme, Pro 6.5.2. Kindly update to the latest version first. Please check out the latest changelog here:

After making the updates, be sure to clear the caches as well.

Best Regards.

Thanks @ruenel for pointing to that.

However, that means that at multi-site installation PRO doesn’t see updates. Just double-checked that, and it doesn’t propose to update the theme to the latest release. I had to update it manually.

I just experimented with Tabs again and the problem still persists. It appears at least in my layout when the toggle icons are on the right, and you click them to open the content rather than the headlines on the left. As this is a development site for now I do not use cache there.

Hey Ian,

I tested with several different phones both Android and iOS and the issue doesn’t happen. The Accordions function well.

What device are you using? Kindly provide the OS and browser name and version.



I just made a new video. As you can see it doesn’t happen all the time you switch tabs but from time to time. In this case I used MacBook Pro with Mac OS 15.0.1 (24A348) and Yandex Browser which is a fork of Chrome. In the previous case it was Android 14 on Samsung Galaxy S21 FE.

Hey Ian,

I was able to replicate the issue on my browser. I am using MacOS 15.0.1 with MS Edge and Brave browser. This will be reported to our developers for further investigation.

Please bear with us.

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Thanks, @ruenel.

You are most welcome, @referee.

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