X 5 - integrity-light.css breaks with cloudflare minify

Recently I’ve upgraded my website to the latest version of X.
I’ve noticed some issues with css, my layout was completely broken. After a lot of investigation, I’ve discovered an issue with the following file:


If cloudflare’s CSS minify option is checked, this file will be incomplete causing the layout to break.

If I disable cloudflare’s CSS minify and purge cache, the file will load completely.

Pastebin for broken file:


Any ideas/suggestions?

Hi There,

X Is already minified. The Cloudfare minification will break the site.

Please keep it off.

Thank you

Hello Joao, sorry but I do not agree with you.
If cloudflare’s parser is breaking a file, this means that probably there is something wrong with the file. Maybe syntax or something else. Btw… this problem appeared with the upgrade to version 5.
Version 4 was working fine.

Cloudflare’s minify does not break minified files since it just removes unnecessary characters.

Please check this other post where there are other users with the same problem.

This is quite a standard feature at cloudflare and they are quite big. Probably you also have other customers with the same issues without knowing.

Can you please double check this?

Thank you.

Please also check this post: https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/updated-newest-version-of-x-and-site-is-messed-up/3763/2

Hi There,

We are aware of this issue and is actually covered on our FAQ page (see the last question).

Thank you.

Thanks for the update.
Any plans for fixing this issue?

my website is at www.domain
my web application is at cloud.domain

There’s no option to disable the minify features on pagerules. So I can only disable at domain level.

Hello There,

In your Cloudflare Speed settings make sure both JS and CSS minification is disabled. X and Pro already serve minified files which means having this feature enabled in Cloudflare will cause a re-minification of the files resulting in syntax errors and issues.

Hope this helps. Kindly let us know.