Updated Newest Version of X And Site Is Messed up

Everything is now out of place. I’ve cleared browser cache and disabled cloudflar. It’s still messed up. As a test I switched the stack to Integrity and everything lined back up. When I go back to Icon, it’s all screwed up again. Any ideas?

After some hours of investigation, I noticed that cloudflare’s minify is breaking the integrity css file.

  • Disable css minify on cloudflare (wait 5-10 minutes), purge the files from cloudflare cache (wait another 5-10 minutes).
  • Make sure you clear your browser cache and try again.

It took a while to discover that I needed to wait some minutes after disabling minify and clearing cloudflare’s cache.

Btw, in my case, turning on developer mode at cloudflare and clearing browser cache would fix everything.
My previous post: https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/x-5-integrity-light-css-breaks-with-cloudflare-minify/3717

You genius you. Thank you!!! It worked. I was going crazy over here.

Thanks for sharing @eduardogsilva.