Email Forms extension: no confirmation message, email address not added to Mailchimp list

Extension Configuration
I followed the instructions on this knowledge base tutorial to set up the Email Forms extension.
I created the API key with Mailchimp, and it appears that Mailchimp is properly connected to my site (I am able to select one my Mailchimp lists Wordpress Dashboard\Pro\Email Forms\General Settings\Opt-In New Users List).
I placed the Email Form shortcode in a text element within a global block.

When the user clicks the submit button after completing the form, the submit button is greyed out, but no confirmation message is displayed, and the email address entered on the form doesn’t get sent to the Mailchimp list.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken
-I updated the Confirmation Message from Message to Redirect Wordpress Dashboard\Pro\Email Forms\Edit
The user was properly redirected after submitting the form, but the entered email address still wasn’t sent to the Mailchimp list.

Hello Tyler,

Thanks for writing in! I can confirmed that this is a bug in the latest release of the plugin. Our developers were already aware of this as they were informed. They are currently looking into this and a release update will be rolling out soon.

For the meantime, you may use ConvertPlus plugin or other 3rd party with MailChimp integration so that you can still continue to get subscription emails.

Thank you for your understanding.

Are there known issues with the ConvertPlus plugin, too? I activated the ConvertPlus plugin, but I am unable to create a new modal.

When I try to create a new modal, all links in the ConvertPlus plugin lead me to selecting a template. After selecting a modal template (any template), I get a status/loading icon that doesn’t go away.

I have tried soft and hard browser refreshes, logging out, navigating to other links in the plugin, and I am still unable to create a modal.

Hi Tyler,

I have checked our issue tracker and I can confirm, there are no open issues for ConvertPlus plugin.

Please make sure that you’re fully updated including X theme, Cornerstone plugin by referring to latest versions here ( and also update the other plugins by following our version information here ( You can also refer to our update guide if necessary (

Then you can refer to our knowledge base section on how to use ConvertPlus plugin (

If you’re using a caching plugin, make sure to purge your server cache and also clear your browser cache before testing.

If you’re still having issues, first you need to remove any custom CSS/JavaScript added to your site and test your issues further. Then if you’re using a child theme, please switch to your parent theme and see if your child theme customizations are causing this issue. Further, you need to disable all of your 3rd party plugins except Cornerstone and ConverPlus plugin and test your issue.

In case if you’re having further difficulties, please provide us with your WordPress login credentials in a secure note to check your issue further.

Let us know how it goes.

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