Archive Page and 404 Page Nav Bar

Hello @quituck,

1.) The code I gave should work for smaller image. If you have uploaded bigger images, that will not change. If you really want to make the image much smaller, then you have to update the code again and use this code and set a maximum width for your image:

.x-portfolio .entry-featured .entry-thumb{
    background-color: transparent;
    text-align: center;

.x-portfolio .entry-featured .entry-thumb img {
    min-width: 10%;
    max-width: 350px;

2.) You are using social element in your global block. The code given from the other thread will not affect the social element. Regretfully with social element, you cannot add a link text to it.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the fast reply I will try that code for my portfolio items.

Is there an alternative to add the link text to the social media icons? I’m getting an SEO errors for not having alt text in those links and I need to resolve it.

Are there any other suggestions, other than “can’t do that”?

Also can you please tell me why my portfolio items headlines are not displaying? See link in secure note.

Thanks again.

Hey @quituck,

Use a Button element. It’s like the social element with a text option. If you don’t want the text to be visible, you can set the text’s font size to 0 then style the button accordingly using the button element’s options.

The Headline or Portfolio Title is there under the featured gallery. Is there another headline you’re referring to?


I now have a new problem.

One of you changed my global settings, so now my social icons that were in my footer are now in my top bar and my global footer is missing. What happened? Why are my global blocks no longer there? Why did you change them? I’m not sure what happened but please fix that asap.

Also, my slider revolution feature image alt text is not found. I created an alt text for the image and in the slider. However, when I do an SEO audit is still registers as missing. How can I fix this?

As far as the portfolio. I am finding that there are two h1 headings on the page but only one is visible. This is also giving me an SEO error. See image. How can I make this only h1 heading?

Patiently waiting for your response? How much longer will this take? It’s been over a day. Did you reset my theme or something?

Hello @quituck,

No one of our staff has changed any of your settings, image alt text nor the portfolio item heading titles. You must have changed it accidentally. I am also seeing that you have Autoptimize plugin. Please clear your cache and regenerate your cache after checking out your Theme Options.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

This support I’m paying for is unacceptable.

You must have miss understood my questions because that response did not fully address any of my questions.

  1. My global blocks are missing from my site. They were there before you looked at them. I didn’t remove them. Someone is not taking responsibility for tampering with my site. I can add them back no big deal. You just made more work for me. (This is resolved, I figured out the problem. My theme was switched form the child theme to the parent theme. )

  2. As far as the portfolio. I am finding that there are two h1 headings on the page but only one is visible. This is also giving me an SEO error. See image. How can I make this only h1 heading? Why is the h1 heading highlighted in the picture about not displaying. I don’t need two h1 headings on this page.

  3. My slider revolution feature image alt text is not found. I created an alt text for the image and in the slider. However, when I do an SEO audit is still registers as missing. How can I fix this?

Awaiting your prompt response.

Hey @quituck,

1. Ruenel didn’t know about this. When I investigated the title, I switch to the parent theme to quickly check the difference. I’m sorry I forgot to switch back to the child theme as I quickly moved on to checking my test site and compare it again with your setup. It’s imperative that I know first that there’s nothing wrong with the parent theme.

Please note that it’s not really recommended that we or even you troubleshoot on a live site. Copy your site to a staging server next time.

2. This is only an issue with SEO audit tools that could not read HTML5 structure. Technically, this is not an issue as our theme passed the HTML5 specification and Google Webmasters itself said it is not an issue. You can read more from this thread.

To pass your SEO audit, you will need to override the _landmark-header.php in \themes\x\framework\legacy\cranium\headers\views\renew. If you’re going to change stacks in the future, change renew to the stack you’re using. You would need to change or remove all h1 tags in that file.

In case you don’t know yet, you can learn how to override a template here:

Please just note that this requires that you are comfortable working with WordPress template files. If not, you will need to hire a developer to implement this. Also, remember the customizations you’ve made in your child theme.

3. It looks like your SEO auditor can’t see the alt text of the image.

Hope that helps.

I am a bit confused by your response to my questions two and three.

  1. I am using a renew stack and don’t plan on changing it. What exactly do I need to do the remove/change the second h1 / landmark-header from my portfolio pages only?

  2. As far as the alt text missing from my slider revolution image, I know it’s there but several sources are telling me it’s not. It’s not just the Google SEO auditor but everyone I’ve tried. Do you have any other suggestions on how to rectify this problem? It’s clearly an issue.

Thanks again for the help and support.

Hi @quituck,

  1. Would you mind to clarify what SEO analyzer you’re using? I don’t understand how your SEO analyzer sees the h1 on the landmark-header but miss other two h1 on plain sight.

Do you think caching has something to do with this?

To remove the h1 that is under header-landmark, please log in to your server via FTP and navigate to this directory \wp-content\themes\x\framework\legacy\cranium\headers\views\renew, there you’ll see a file named _landmark-header.php, copy that file to your child theme in same directory, create the folders if that directory does not exist on your child theme.

Then open/edit that copied file, find the line: x_is_portfolio_item - underneath that you’ll see an <h1> line. That’s the one you need to change or remove.

Please keep in mind that I’m only pointing you in the right direction, please understand that it would ultimately be your responsibility to take it from here.

  1. I did check your site with Screaming frog SEO spider and it did not find any Missing Alt Text on your site, not even one image. It finds 1 Alt Text Over 100 character

This means the issue is either a caching or your analyzer which is outside of our control.

While I did take the time to do this SEO check. Please understand that improving your site SEO is outside of the scope of support that we can offer. If SEO is very important to you, I advise that you find/hire someone that is knowledgeable in SEO.

Thank you for understanding,

Thanks I will try this out and follow up.

Please note that I’m well aware how SEO works and do it for a living along with web developing.

The issues I pointed out here are related to the theme design, which is why I reach out to you guys, the developers of the theme that I invest a lot of my resources into.

Seriously, Please STOP trying to pawn off your responsibilities as support agents and developers and acknowledge the fact that these are problems with your theme and how it was coded. Always be open to improvement.

Your job is to help me resolve these problems. Don’t forget that!

Every time you tell me to seek third party help, when I specifically address theme related problems, it makes me not want to further invest my resources into you guys. There are lots of other developers out there that are willing and able to provide better services and products.

I only come to you guys where there is a problem with your theme that you need to resolve. Such as you theme not being compatible with slider revolution. I don’t use Screaming Frog SEO Spider, and you clearly acknowledged that there is a problem with other tools not being able to see the ALT text. That is a problem you are dancing around by presenting me with other software that I don’t use. That does not help me.

What are your plans to make your theme compatible with slider revolution so that Googles SEO audit tool and others don’t have this error? Certainly you guys can resolve that problem with a theme update. Don’t tell me it can’t be done. You can do anything with code.

Also please remove them pictures that publicly display my band logo and urls.


Hey @quituck,

We’re doing our responsibility as support staff and we’re helping discover what the problem is. That doesn’t mean though that we’ll resolve your problems even if it’s outside of our control.

Even it’s outside of our control and is outside the scope of our theme support, Friech even scanned your site using an SEO auditing tool and as expected, it read all the alt texts. He then suggested that it could be caching that’s the issue.

You’re also mixing topics here which is hard for us to work with but we allow it anyway because that’s your preference.

Going back to my previous reply about the alt text, I was expecting that you show the screenshot to the support of the SEO Auditing tool you’re using. There’s nothing we could do on our end and this doesn’t mean that Slider Revolution is incompatible with our themes. We have nothing to fix on our end regarding the alt text unless the SEO Auditor points us to a document why the alt text can’t be read by the search engine’s crawler. Only then can we report this issue to Slider Revolution developer, ThemePunch.

Thank you for understanding.

Thanks for the quick reply.

I was able to sort out the H1 problems by editing the landmark folder. Thanks for the guidance. That problem is resolved.

I tried clearing my cache and the alt text error still appears with the slider. I read that other people that are using this theme have a similar problem with the alt text in slider revolution. I know the alt text is there, it’s just frustrating that simple auditor tools do not. Anyway, I reached out to slider revolution to see what their thoughts are regarding this incompatibility with your theme and their plugin.

Can please remove the image link from this thread? I don’t want it to interfere with my backlink profile.

Also this code did not resolve my image problem
.x-portfolio .entry-featured .entry-thumb{
background-color: transparent;
text-align: center;

.x-portfolio .entry-featured .entry-thumb img {
    min-width: 10%;
    max-width: 350px;

My portfolio images are still displaying weirdly. The container they are displayed in don’t auto resize to the size of the image. The container remains large on small images. How can I fix this without having to resize all of my images? See example here.

Hey @quituck,

I see that this is bug. Please add the following code in Theme Options > CSS as a temporary workaround.

.x-slides .x-slide img {
    display: none;
.x-slides .x-slide.flex-active-slide img {
    display: block;

Hope that helps.

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Thanks, that fixed the bug.

One last thing. Can please remove the image link from this thread? I don’t want it to interfere with my backlink profile.


Hey @quituck,

It’s removed now.

Thank you!

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