X-Theme Slowing Page Load for Google PageSpeed Insights

Hi there,

My client is considering switching from X-Theme given the slow load times caused by X-Theme and its components when using Google PageSpeed Insights to analyze the page loading time for mobile (not desktop).

I do not want to move away from X-Theme, as it’s a great theme and the support you offer has always been excellent.

I am wondering if someone can offer input on how to streamline the theme for PageSpeed Insights.

I will list the issues currently being reported:

Eliminate render-blocking resources

  • several minified CSS styles

  • references to fonts used by the theme

Preload key requests

  • /fonts/fa-solid-900.woff2 – a font awesome font used by the theme, cannot figure out how to use rel=preload on this as suggested by Google as it is included in the theme inline CSS output

I will include the account specific info in a private message below.


Hi @kbisk,

Thanks for reaching out.

Please follow this docs on how to improve the site speed performance of your website.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

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