X theme Portfolio category buttons - new major issue has popped up


On our site: https://corecubed.com/our-portfolio/

we are seeing an issue that suddenly has occurred. On that page, when you load it everything looks good. but if you try any of the category buttons, you’ll see what i mean. It tries animating the items but stacks a bunch of them up on top of each other, and places some others at the bottom of the page. Once you do that, clicking any of the category buttons has stopped working. you can’t even click back to “All”, the only way to get there is to reload the page.

We are running PHP 7.4, the most recent WP core, as well as the newest X theme and Cornerstone. I’ve tried disabling all other plugins but that has made no difference.


Hello Marissa,

Thanks for writing in! This is a known issue with the latest release of the theme. Our developers have already made aware of the issue and now fixing it. I cannot make any promises relating to a fix at this stage. I will add a note to the tracker referencing your report though so our dev team can see there are multiple reports of the issue.

Please bear with us.

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Hi @msnook7711 ,

I apologize this problem has persisted. We don’t have an imminent point release coming, so there are some options.

  1. Download the previous version of X or Pro from your dashboard and install it. Unfortunately this will remove new features like the Slider elements.
  2. Or (preferable) Add this line of code under Global JS in Cornerstone. (Click the JS button, then switch to the Global tab)
if (window.jQuery.xIsotope) window.jQuery.xIsotope.settings.animationEngine = 'css'

That will prevent the jQuery errors and restore masonry functionality. When the next release comes out, you can remove this code, but it won’t be harmful to leave it in place.