X-Pro Header not displaying correct on mobile


I am using X-pro. I’ve edited my headers for mobile on my dektop and they look fine in the editor. But when I go to my site using my iPhone 6+ the headers are all messed up, like its not recognizing any of the changes.

I’ve tried purging my cache (go daddy) and cloud flare cache but nothing changes.

These 2 screenshots are where it is “supposed” to look like. At top and during scroll.

These 2 are screenshots from my iPhone. All screwy. What is going on??


Nothing I try to edit for mobile is working.

Can you try turning off CloudFlare’s auto minification setting? Pro styles come minified already and for some reason when CloudFlare tries to minify them again it breaks the stylesheet. What we’re seeing here is a bunch of styles missing, including the responsive hide classes that allow different elements to appear depending on screen size.

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This worked perfectly! Thank you @alexander!

Glad to hear it.


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