X 10.4.16 & Safari

Hi All,

Is X Theme and Child X compatible with Safari? with this latest update to version 10.4.16, my DEVV site no longer loads images and sliders. Chrome and Firefox are perfectly fine.

Any thoughts?

Thank you,


Hello Ray,

Please provide the URL of your site so we can test it. In the meantime, please check out this documentation:

Best Regards.

Hey Ruenel,

Strangest thing… the day after I sent this to you, it looked like all was fine in Safari. I waited a couple of days to see if remained fix, and it seems to have. I wonder… I use SiteGround on a shared server and I wonder if some shared cache setting cleared overnight on the server side with a cron job or something that I cannot clear manually.

If this persists, I will let you know. But I think we’re good for now.

Thank you,


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It’s good to hear that Ray.
You are most welcome.