WPCF7 Spinner

In October 2021, I posted a thread that has since been closed in hopes of a future resolution. Strangely, I now have CF7 forms where the spinner works and CF7 forms where it doesn’t appear despite being in the code. The only difference I’ve been able to pinpoint is that the forms with working spinners have a ::before selector in the code, whereas the ones that aren’t functioning properly don’t have that.

Any ideas as to why this would happen? To add to how strange this is, the forms with functional spinners were functioning BEFORE I re-installed the spinner plugin, which I had deactivated and deleted back in October 2021.

Here is a screen shot from the form that does work, which has the ::before selector

And here is a screen shot from a form that doesn’t work, which you can see does not have the ::before selector

Two more differences I spotted is that the forms with working spinners have this whereas the others do not…


And, the ones that work have created a space for the spinner, the non-functioning ones don’t…



Hi @ppe29,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have investigated the page and found that the following custom CSS is missing and which is the reason behind your issue. I would like to suggest you can try adding the following custom CSS code into the Theme Options > CSS to get rid of the issue.

form.wpcf7-form.submitting .ajax-loader 
    visibility: visible;
form.invalid .wpcf7-response-output
    display: block;

form.sent .wpcf7-response-output
    display: block;

Please remember that the above code will work if copied as it is and doesn’t conflict with any existing style.
Please note that the code provided serves only as a guide to help you get started custom coding on your own if there’s no option offered in our theme or the products we bundle.
We really do not provide support for custom codes which means we can’t fix it in case it conflicts with something on your site nor will we enhance it. Further customization should be directed to a third-party developer or you can avail One, where we answer the questions beyond normal theme support.


I tried adding that code, but the spinner still does not appear

Hi @ppe29,

I am really sorry that I have completely missed out to mention that the Contact Form 7 spinner is an ongoing issue with latest version of Theme which has been already reported to our development team for further investigation.


OK thanks. I just can’t imagine why it would work on some forms and not others. . .

Hi @ppe29,

You are most welcome.

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