WP Forms on a Single line

Hello! I am trying to add a form on a single line to my footer but I can’t seem to get it to work. Can you help?

Joseph G.

Hi Joseph,

Thanks for reaching out.
That is not usually possible in WP Form, but you can do that by using the custom CSS code. I would suggest you hire a developer who can assist you with the customization, or you can avail of our newly launched service called One, where we answer questions beyond normal theme support.
Please go through the following article on this.

Hope it helps.

WPForms says that you can just add a class inline-fields but it doesnt seem to work:

Here is the Docs explaining it: https://wpforms.com/docs/how-to-display-your-form-in-a-single-line/

Can you help this to work?

Hi Joseph,

The procedure to add the class has been already explained in the link. You need to go to the Settings* tab click on the Advanced option and add the CSS class as mentioned in the link.

Hope it helps.

I have subscribed to One. Hopefully someone can help me with this there.

Hi Joseph,

You need to create a One ticket to get help on that.


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