Would like one menu button to be a different color

How can I define just the “Contact” button in my header menu, so I can change the color of just the one link?

Thank you.

Hi Kelli,

Thank you for writing in, first please add a unique CLASS to your Contact menu item.

If you don’t see that CSS Classes field, please pull down the Screen Options menu, and tick the CSS Classes

And then add this to Theme Options > CSS

.x-navbar .desktop .x-nav > .menu-home > a {color: red;}
.x-navbar .desktop .x-nav > .menu-home > a:hover {color: orange;}

Change the color values to your desired colors. The .menu-home is the class, so change that to the actual class of your Contact menu item.

Hope it helps,

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This all worked. Thank you!

On behalf of my colleague, you’re welcome. Cheers! :slight_smile:

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